Sunday, November 21, 2021

Losmen Bu Broto - A Review by Yennymakanmulu

Few days ago, this Indonesian movie was released in the cinemas. It was one that my wife has been aiming for, but alas it did not play in the theater near our home. In fact, it was kind of a challenge as not many studios showing this movie. Fortunately though, today we managed to go to one of those few cinemas and bought the tickets for 1.15 PM show. And so how was the movie then? I better let you read all about it through my wife's point of view and her lovely writing as usual. 

[MOVIE] Losmen Bu Broto - Adaptasi dari Seri Televisi Losmen

Udah lama denger kalo bakal ada film Losmen Bu Broto. Dan belakangan gw dpt info kalo bakal tayang Kamis 18 November 2021. Gak sabar kan, secara gw dulu penontonnya Losmen pas masih di TVRI. Masi inget pula gw siapa aja yang jadi Bu Broto, Pak Broto, Mbak Pur, Jeng Sri, Mas Tarjo dan Mas Jarot. Mereka emang pemain inti di rumah penginapan yang mereka sebut sebagai Losmen Srikandi. Sayang sekali saat Kamis tayang itu, Losmen Bu Broto gak main di bioskop sebelah, jadi gw harus mencari waktu di weekend dan ngajak hubby barengan nonton. Untungnya dia mau nemenin gw. Makanya pas bisa nonton di Hollywood XXI, langsung deh gw pesen pake MTix, lumayan ada diskon bogo. Woohoo. Oya, film ini disutradarai Ifa Ifansyah dan Eddy Cahyono, serta diproduseri oleh salah satunya, Mr. Robert Ronny.

Seperti biasa kalo bikin review film, gw gak mo berpanjang lebar dengan menceritakan setiap detilnya. Karena kalo gitu mah ngapain atuh ditarok di bioskop. Suruh aja gw yg nonton trus ceritain semuanya dari awal sampe akhir hehehe. Jadi emang ini film kan kaya semacam nostalgia buat anak taon2 segituan yang dulunya hanya ditemani acara2 di TVRI. Tau sendiri jaman dulu jarang ada tontonan menarik. Emangnya jaman skr, yawla, mo nonton apaan aja ada di TV. Dari TV lokal sampe layanan streaming macam Netflix juga tinggal bayar langsung bisa nonton apaan aja dari movies sampe drakor2an. Jadi ya begitu gw tau bakal ada film Losmen Bu Broto yang diadaptasi Losmen jaman dulu, langsung semangat niatin nonton. Yuk kita mulai nonton yuk.

To read her complete review, you can go direct to her blog:

Losmen Bu Broto review by Yennymakanmulu

PS: I myself had a wonderful moment watching this movie with my wife. We both enjoyed the movie a lot and I was particularly impressed by the natural acting of most of the lead cast. Even though I have forgotten the nature of the TV series the movie was based on, the nostalgic feel was still very strong and there were some scenes that got us truly emotional. It was also filled with various lovely acoustic songs. So if you are still in doubt, I am sure reading my wife's post would convince you to see this at the theaters near you.

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