Friday, June 21, 2019

Mendadak Kaya - Another Episode of Those 3 Iconic Pos Kota Characters, Doyok, Otoy and Ali Oncom

Few weeks ago, I noticed about this movie which surprisingly we never saw its trailer before. As my wife and I kind of enjoyed the first movie (here is a link of the great review from my wife: (DOA) Doyok Otoy Ali Oncom: Cari Jodoh), we wanted to see what would be in store for these 3 amazingly iconic characters from newspaper. So when it premiered yesterday, we did not hesitate to buy tickets for the 7.15 pm show at the theater near our home. And now let us get on with the film.

Brief Story Line

Just like in the first film, Doyok (Fedi Nuril - Ayat-ayat Cinta, Surga yang tak Dirindukan etc), Otoy (Pandji Pragiwaksono - Insya Allah Sah, Comic 8 etc) and Ali Oncom (Dwi Sasono - Bukaan 8, Wiro Sableng Pendekar Kapak Maut Naga Geni 212 etc) were all having problems of their own, but mostly it was about money. With pressures coming from all around them like Ali's girlfriend Yuli (Jihane Almira) to get married, Otoy's wife Eli (Nirina Zubir - Shy Shy Cat, Get Married trilogy etc) demanding for daily necessities, plus the owner of food stall Mang Ujang (Ence Bagus - ReuniZ, 22 Menit etc) where Doyok usually eats but never pay, the 3 of them felt the need to start looking for work.

Things became complicated for them at all the places they worked. But lucky for them, they somehow came across a big fortune. As you could have guessed things would become messy when these 3 started to spend money like crazy. 

So what would happen to these guys? Find them all in this silly fun hilarious movie.

End of Brief Story Line

Well just like in the first movie, my wife and I had some fun seeing this one. It had many simple jokes which were clearly aimed towards fans of such humor. It so happened that my wife and I quite like them. There were plenty of them that made us laugh and few we thought were really funny, especially ones involving our favorite character Ali Oncom (portrayed amazingly by Dwi Sasono who was willing to take on this kind of role as opposed to his usually serious character). Our favorite moments were when he was commenting about the suitcase or when he called the hospital, even when they all went to the luxurious mall.

This kind of movie was definitely not the type that fans of more sophisticated comedy would enjoy. Most likely they would think of it as trash. But it certainly has its appeal, especially for those who just want to have silly fun. The plot was very imaginative and a bit illogical, something that likely would never happen in real life and possibly would make the neutral audience look down upon. But since my wife and I already knew what to expect, we did not feel surprised at all. Though if I had to compare, the original film seemed a bit more serious in certain parts

For a film that focused on the silliness and the absurd behavior of the 3 main leads, it certainly did not us. As you might have known, they appeared as daily comic strip in the newspaper Poskota (which would explain why it was shown few times in the movie). The supporting characters from previous movie did appear again like Yuli (whom we always wondered what she saw in Ali Oncom), or the very talkative Eli and his father (played by Oppie Kumis). There were even additional comedians like Lolox and Arief Didu (who both played in Sesuai Aplikasi), plus a cameo of quite well known star from the 90s and early 2000. 

I also liked that the movie only had 92 minutes duration which did not make it overly long, although there were still scenes before the "climax" which I thought did not have any significant add to the story. The conclusion might seem a bit over simplistic, but we did not expect it to be more anyway. Oh, there were really fun bloopers that we could enjoy before the closing credit, but there was no mid or post end credit scene at all. And another thing, even though it was classified for 13+, I thought this one was more suitable for 17+ seeing that few jokes and remarks seemed to be aimed for adults. Which was why we were both amazed by how some parents brought so many of under-aged children to see this.

Overall, it was a movie filled of fun moments, amusing for fans of such genre but might not be enjoyable for others. It might be proper to say it was guilty pleasure for me and my wife. Go and see the movie if you like those 3 famous characters, but do not set your standard bar very high or else you would be disappointed. And please avoid it, if you did not even like the first movie or you are not fans of such kind of films. The choice is yours.

Mike's movie moments rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

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