Monday, October 10, 2022

Ngeri Ngeri Sedap - A Review by Yennymakanmulu

As I am not the biggest fan of a full drama movie, I decided to skip this one when it played in theater few months ago. My wife though, had seen the movie and felt it was really good. When it was announced that the film would be released in Netflix, she immediately recommend me to watch it. So last night, I finally got the chance to do it. Anyway, as my wife had written a nice post about the movie, I wanted to share it like I did previously. Well here's her views in Bahasa Indonesia.


Begitu filmnya tayang di bioskop, gw masi sibuk deh ngurusin entah apaan hahaha. Padahal sebelum filmnya nongol, udah liat pas dipost sama Acho. Udah penasaran. Hubby diajakin nonton kaga mau. Dia emang kurang gitu sreg sama drama film Indonesia ya. Entah kenapa. Jadilah gw akhirnya kudu nyari waktu buat nonton sendirian. Enak nonton sendiri? Enakan rame2 lah, tapi gw gak masalah kok sendirian. Rabu ini tgl 22 Juni 2022, gw mo nonton td jam 12 sebetulnya, eh ujan mayan gede. Daripada gw sakit kan, mending gw tunggu besok. Etapi pas jam 2 terang benderang tuh, langsung deh meluncur ke XXI terdekat, trus beli tiket. Film Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap ini disutradarai dan ditulis oleh Bene Dion Rajagukguk. Rumah peoduksinya milik Ernest Prakasa. Jelas bagus!

Gw gatau ini cerita tentang apaan. Gw cuma tau ttg Keluarga Batak, sekilas liat pas nonton trailernya. Itu pun cuma sekilas krn gw emang jarang mau nonton trailer. Cici gw ada yg post review org ttg film ini. Tapi ya itu lah gw, gak bakal baca review sebelum gw nonton. Cici gw yg satunya trus nonton duluan donk. Dan dia blg bagus. Ya gw sih udah tau lah, setelah gw liat jajaran pemainnya, pasti bagus. Emang lagi nyari waktu yg pas nih buat nonton sendiri. Film diawali dengan adegan Pak Domu (Arswendy Beningswara Nasution) duduk2 di lapo bersama teman2 sambil bernyanyi2, lalu saling menceritakan anak2nya.

To read her complete review, you can go direct to her blog:

Ngeri Ngeri Sedap review by Yennymakanmulu

My own personal view:

I found this movie to be filled with strong family values and drama-heavy with a touch of comedy. The story was not complex, in fact quite simple yet it managed to give me the realistic sense as it showed the family problems that could happen to anyone anywhere. As a movie that focused on Batak family, it also provided me with more understanding on their strong tradition. The beautiful scenery of North Sumatra, in particular the lovely Toba Lake served as a good promotion to audience as travel destination. The cast were generally OK, but my favorite was Tika Panggabean who was brilliant with her wonderful facial expression in different situation. There was also one emotional moment that I could have imagined strongly affected my wife. Overall this is a nice piece of drama comedy movie that is a great representation of the Batak tradition. It was even selected as the movie to be contender for 2023 Best International Feature Film in the 95th Academy Awards. So I was glad that my wife recommended me to watch this. 

1 comment:

  1. Baru selesai nonton di netflix, memang bagus sesuai rating di IMDB: 8.3
