Friday, August 26, 2022

Mencuri Raden Saleh - A Review by Yennymakanmulu

With the hype surrounding this latest Indonesian movie to hit the theater, my wife and I were pretty enthusiastic and wanted to see it during the weekend. But as luck would have it, one of her friends could not make it to the cinema on its release date yesterday, and she passed the tickets to her. So both of us were fortunate enough to see it last night. Now my wife has written another wonderful post about the movie in Indonesian, and as usual, I will share it in here.


Udah lama film Mencuri Raden Saleh dipromosikan di mana2. Tapi gw gak gitu paham cerita apaan. Emang kan kebiasaan gw itu kalo ada film kaga mo tau ttg apa. Gk mo liat sinopsis kalo bisa hehehe. Dan spt biasa gw selalu nonton itu weekend, krn emang lebih suka aja. So, begitu advanced ticket dijual, ya gw kaga ikutan war lah. Tau2 rejeki banget kemaren persis, tgl 24 Agustus 2022, ada yg nawarin tiket nonton gratis di CGV fX Sudirman utk tgl 25 Agustus 2022, di jam 18:10. Wah, rejeki cicik soleha. Oiya akhirnya gw tau juga ini film ttg apa, karena udah baca di twitter. Jadi film yg disutradarai oleh Angga Dwimas Sasongko ini bertema heist. Widih, ciamik nih kayanya.

Walaupun gw tau ttg heist tapi tetep gw gak ngerti heist ttg apaan. Apakah ngerampok bank macam serial yg tenar dari Spanyol, yg dibikin remake-nya sama Korea? Ataukah ttg pencurian di casino spt film trilogi-nya om Danny Ocean? Atau apa sih ini sebetulnya? Akhirnya setelah nonton sendiri, gw baru tau, ternyata ini tentang pencurian lukisan bersejarah. Trus diinget2 kayanya nonton film ttg pencurian lukisan tuh cuma inget Thomas Crown Affair, selebihnya lupa hahaha. Biasa mah pencurian duit, permata, emas, gitu2 deh. Jadi, yawdah kita enjoy aja yuk filmnya.

To read her complete review, you can go direct to her blog:

Mencuri Raden Saleh review by Yennymakanmulu

My own personal view:

This movie was a lot better than I expected. At first I thought it would be a bit cheesy especially looking at the cast that consisted of young actors and actresses. But as I continued watching, it was surprisingly good with some smooth transition between one plot to another and a wonderful story telling with some excitement throughout the movie. It obviously had high production value with the awesome setting, amazing fight choreography, some cool enough action sequence and especially the heist itself. There was even a trademark plot twist of such genre that was brilliantly inserted in here. With such ending, I would not mind to see a sequel should they chose to do so, even if this time the duration was probably a bit too long. Great job from the cast and crew, in particular Angga Dwimas Sasongko as the writer and director who I believed had put in so much effort into making this as good as it is.

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